Muhammad's Advanced and Avid Reading through Kumon

Muhammad is a student at our Kumon Walmer centre and "started the English programme without proper letter formation, reversals of certain letters and writing without proper spacing
As he progressed through the first few early levels, I started noticing great improvement in his letter formation, reading, punctuation, and spacing. I have also noticed an improvement in the ease and speed of his writing
He is also now an advanced reader and in grade 2 is able to spell and read more complicated words. KUMON has increased his interest in books and reading too and this has made him feel very confident in himself
Muhammad is fluently reading at a more advanced level compared to his grade level. He is also extremely confident in his writing abilities and story creation. KUMON has made a huge difference in his punctuation and use of grammar and has improved his vocabulary, writing, and spacing!"
- Muhammad's Mom - Fatima -