Ishan, a Kumon Maths student, is excelling on all fronts

Ishan Jewnarain is a student at the La Lucia Study Centre in Durban, and is on track to complete the Maths Programme in 2020, or soon thereafter. Ishan is currently doing matric and is serving as a prefect. At the end of the 2019 academic year, Ishan was presented with eight awards honouring his achievements in mathematics, advanced programme mathematics, accounting and economics, amongst other subjects - two awards of which were from the University Of KwaZulu-Natal, from both the College Of Agriculture, Engineering and Science (CAES) as well as the Civil Engineering Department.
Awards that Ishan received for the 2019 academic year:
Ishan is a very eloquent, gracious young man who responds to questions posed to him thoughtfully. He believes that being a Kumon student since he was in Grade 2 has benefitted him greatly. A huge advantage that Ishan believes the Kumon Programme has provided him with is always being ahead of what is being studied at school. Another integral aspect for him is the ability to learn by yourself, which helps when you do not understand things you are learning at school, that you are equipped to go home and work it out by yourself. This self-learning skill is something that you can apply to all aspects of life. He also believes that the perseverance that the programme teaches you - to pursue whatever you do in life, even when something seems like a lost cause – is a very important life skill. You learn that rewards will come, with perseverance, even when it seems unlikely at first.
Ishan’s progress through the Kumon Programme was quick in Primary School. Once he started High School it slowed down, and he wondered at one point if it was benefitting him as much. He is very pleased that he did not quit at that stage as he now believes that leaving the Kumon Programme early is not a viable option. You are not able to grasp the full potential of the programme if you leave too early. When people see Kumon as just an academic programme and similar to extra lessons, they really miss out on seeing all the benefits it has. Ishan adds, ‘There is much more to Kumon than that – it is really special. You have to partake in the journey, start at a young age and grow as a person as you work through the programme, and then you will see the value it has.’
The will to succeed is what inspires Ishan. He envisions the success that he would like to achieve, and then puts in the effort to keep going until he has achieved what he has envisioned for himself – even through the tough times.
His advice for other Kumon students, for their Kumon studies as well as other aspects of their lives:
- Set a goal for the standard you would like to achieve
- With this goal in mind, build a process (put a plan in place) to achieve the goal
- Stick to the process
- Stay loyal to whatever you are doing
- Strive towards success
- Keep your goal in mind at all times
- Find a hobby, something that is not too time consuming, something that will relax and revitalise you, and help you to gather your thoughts and bring some balance to your life.
- Really be a part of your child’s journey
- You as parent play an integral part towards the striving of your child’s goals
- Be present to assist
- Do not slack off
- Motivate your child
- Support your child through the tough times towards attaining their goals
Ishan speaks from experience as the support and motivation from his family has been a huge part of his Kumon journey, as well as the other successes he now enjoys. He has two younger brothers, Luvashin and Saiyen, who are also working through the Kumon Maths Programme and who are benefitting from his guidance and mentoring.
Sandra and her staff at the La Lucia Study Centre have also motivated Ishan through his Kumon journey. He feels that the staff are friendly, helpful and willing to assist at all times, proactive and aware if you need assistance, and this is true from the lower levels right through to the higher levels where learning is more application based problem solving.
When Ishan is not preparing for tests and exams he likes to be in the open and doing something active. He goes for runs to keep fit, cycles and plays tennis. Taking a break and doing something physical always motivates him and keeps him energetic. He plays golf as a hobby, and used to play cricket and tennis at school.
Ishan says his friends would describe him as hard-working, dedicated, family orientated, fun to be with and someone who would keep them in line as he has a strong value system.
After matriculating, Ishan would like to study actuarial science. He is currently considering options for universities, with Stellenbosch University being at the top of the list as the small town life appeals to him. A close second is the University of Cape Town. He would like to explore more of South Africa, and is therefore keen to do his tertiary studies in another province. He believes that living by himself will be a good learning experience towards becoming more independent. Ishan is planning to work in the insurance field for one of the big insurance houses once he has graduated.
It is very rewarding for us at Kumon when students and families both see and experience the true value of the Kumon Programmes. Ishan, we believe that you are really special too. We wish you well for your matric year, and look forward to seeing your matric results, you completing the Kumon Maths Programme, as well as continuing to achieve great things as you start your tertiary studies.